
The 1st IEEE Karachi Section Humanitarian Technology Conference (KHI-HTC) 2023, is jointly organized by IEEE Karachi Section and Sindh Agriculture University (SAU), Tandojam, Sindh, Pakistan, which will be held at Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Sindh, Pakistan on January 8-9, 2024. The main goal of KHI-HTC is to share, exchange knowledge and innovative ideas about the current trends in technology, including but not limited to Computer Sciences, Communications & Information, Technology, Cyber Security, Business Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. All papers will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers based on full paper submission. Accepted papers will be published in the KHI-HTC proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Selected paper has chance to be included in HEC recognized Journal, subject to fulfillment of the requirements of Journal.

Submission will be accepted in the following, but not limited to:
Smart Technologies, Smart devices, Sensors and Computing
Smart City & Smart Village
Power and Energy
Smart irrigation
Robotics and Unmanned Vehicle Technologies for Humanity
Environment and sustainability
Earthquake engineering and Disaster Management
Precision Farming, Remote sensing, Agri GIS
Nanotechnology in Engineering
Climate change impact on Agriculture
Data Science and Engineering
Big data and Data Mining
Applied areas of Industry 4.0
5G Technology for Humanity
AI, IoT, Deep Learning, Machine Learning and its application for Humanity
Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and Blockchain
Healthcare Technologies
Smart technologies and Innovation in Livestock Management
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality for Humanity
Entertainment & Computer Gaming for Humanity
Smart technologies in Education
Security and surveillance for humanity
Innovation and Entrepreneurship track
Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline:          30 November, 2023
Paper Acceptance:                         15 December, 2023
Camera Ready Paper Submission: 25 December, 2023
Registration:                                  15 December, 2023
Conference Dates:                         08-09 January, 2024